Monday, September 17, 2012

Star Delta Transformation (Solved Problems)

Solved Examples on Star/Delta Transformation 

Q1). Determine the resistance between the terminals A&B and hence find the current through the voltage source. Refer figure 16.1


See figure 16.1(a)
The resistors in between point 1, 2&3 are about to replace by a star connected system. Otherwise is difficult to find the total resistance.

So we have to use the delta to star transformation equations.

R1 = R12R31 / (R12+R23+R31)

R1 = (60*40)/ (60+40+100)

R1 = 12Ω

R2 = R23R12 / (R12+R23+R31)

R1 = (100*60)/ 200

R1 = 30Ω

R3 = R31R23 / (R12+R23+R31)

R3 = (100*40)/ 200

R3 = 20Ω

So we can redraw the network as shown in figure 16.2

Now we can easily find the total resistance between A&B terminals

total = [(80+20)//(88+12)] + 30

Rtotal = 50 + 30

Rtotal = 80Ω

Applying ohm’s law to the total resistance,

I = V/R

I = 160v/80Ω

I = 2A

Q2) Find the total resistance between A&B terminals for the network shown in figure 16.3


See figure 16.3(a)

We are about to replace the delta system by star system in between point 1, 2 &3

So we have to use the delta to star transformation equations.

R1 = R12R31 / (R12+R23+R31)

R1 = (3*6)/ (3+6+9)

R1 = 1Ω

R2 = R23R12 / (R12+R23+R31)

R2 = (9*3)/18

R2 = 1.5Ω

R3 = R31R23 / (R12+R23+R31)

R3 = (6*9)/18

R3 = 3Ω

So now we can replace the system as shown in figure 16.4

Now we can easily find the total resistance between A&B terminals

RAB = (7Ω+3Ω) + (8.5Ω+1.5Ω) + 1Ω

RAB = 6Ω

Q3). Find the total resistance between A&B terminals (RAB) shown in figure 16.5


You must understand that you have to use star/delta transformation for this problem. Unlike other problems, in this case it is not pointed out which system of resistance you must replace. So you yourself have to point it out.
This is very important. Though the tutorial problems guide you to find the replaceable systems, in practical level you will have to guide yourself manually. This means you must know how to choose the correct system to apply delta/star transformation.

See figure 16.6

See the circled systems in the figure. You have to replace these systems with delta systems. If you see it carefully, you’ll see that both systems are same (one is upside down of the other). So you don’t need to find two different sets of delta systems. See figure 16.7

This figure shows you the star to delta transformation. As the required equation for transformation are given in my previous post, I’ve directly put the values for the delta system shown in the above figure. Steps for this calculation are shown below.

R12 = R1 + R2 + (R1R2/R3)

R12 = 3 + 2 + (3*2)/2

R12 = 8Ω

R23 = R2 + R3 + (R2R3/R1)

R23 = 2 + 2 + (2*2)/3

R23 = 16/3Ω

R31 = R3 + R1 + (R3R1/R2)

R13 = 3 + 2 + (3*2)/2

R13 = 8Ω

So we can redraw the network as shown in figure 16.8

Now we can easily find the total resistance between A&B terminals. For your better understanding I’ve simplified the network. See figure 16.9

So now it is simple.

RAB = { [ (7+5)//8//8 ] + 5 } //8//4

RAB = (3 + 5) // 8 // 4

RAB = 4//4

RAB = 2Ω

Pabindu lakshitha
B.Sc. (Engineering Undergraduate)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Star, Delta circuits

Star, Delta circuits

Delta/Star transformation

When solving networks with considerable number of branches, sometimes we experiences a great difficulty due to a large number of unknown variable have to be find. Such complicated networks can be simplified by successively replacing delta meshes by equivalent star systems and vice versa.

Consider we have three resistances connected in delta fashion between terminals 1, 2 and 3 as shown in figure 15.1(a). These three resistances can be replaced by three star connected (or ‘Y’ connected) resistances as shown in figure 15.1(b).

If we can arrange these three resistances in such a way that both delta and star systems will show the same resistance between any pair of terminals we can replace any of these arrangement instead of the other one.  This means these two arrangements are electrically equivalent.

How to convert a delta connection to star connection?

In the delta connection, there are two parallel paths between terminals 1 & 2. One is having a resistance of R12 and the other is having a resistance of (R23+R31).

So the resistance between terminals 1&2 = R12 // (R23+R31)

In the star connection, the resistance between the same terminals = R1 + R2

For electrically equivalent arrangements these two values should be equal, so

R1 + R2 = R12X (R23+R31) / (R12+R23+R31) --------------------- (A)

Similarly for terminals 2 & 3 and terminal 3 & 1, we get

R2 + R3 = R23X (R31+R12) / (R12+R23+R31) --------------------- (B)

R3 + R1 = R31X (R12+R23) / (R12+R23+R31) ---------------------(C)

By solving these three equations,

R1 = R12R31 / (R12+R23+R31)

R2 = R23R12 / (R12+R23+R31)

R3 = R31R23 / (R12+R23+R31)

Star/Delta transformation

This can be easily done by using equations (A), (B) and (C)

1.       Multiply A&B , B&C and A&C
2.       Add them together and simplify them.

Then we get,
R12 = R1 + R2 + (R1R2/R3)

R23 = R2 + R3 + (R2R3/R1)

R31 = R3 + R1 + (R3R1/R2)

*You do not need to hardly remember these equations. You must be intelligent enough to understand the pattern of these equations. We will discuss some solved problems in my next post.

My next post will be a “solved problems” post regarding everything we’ve learnt so far in network analysis

Pabindu lakshitha
B.Sc (Engineering Undergraduate)  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Norton's theorem solved problems(3)

Q4) In order to find the V1 & R1 values in the circuit shown in Figure14.12, power dissipation at the variable resistor Rload is measured, for the different values of Rload. The maximum power dissipated at Rload is measured as 81mW when the resistance R is set to 9kΩ. Find V1 & R1.

You have to solve this problem from the end to beginning. This means we must go backward in the problem.

As the problem says, the maximum power output occurs when RLOAD = 9kΩ. Therefore according to the maximum power transfer theorem, internal resistance as seen from A-B terminals is also equal to 9kΩ. So this resistance is therefore equal to the Norton’s resistance of A-B terminals.
As the maximum power dissipation at RLOAD = 9kΩ is equal to 81mW, we can find the current flowing through the load resistance RLOAD .

P = I2R

81mW = I2 X 9KΩ

I2 = 9 X 10-6

I = 3mA

So now we can draw the Norton’s equivalent circuit as shown is figure 14.12.a to determine the Norton’s current.

We can simply understand the Norton’s current is equal to 6mA, as the two resistance are equal and parallel connected.

Now we know the Norton’s current.

So now see figure 14.13.

As the Norton’s resistance is equal to 9kΩ, we can obtain the value of R1 now.

(R1//12kΩ) + 5kΩ = 9kΩ

R1//12KΩ = 4KΩ

R1 = 6KΩ

Now, we are about to draw the figure that we draw when we wants to find the Norton’s current. Of course we know the Norton’s value. But here we draw it to find V1. See figure 14.14

So as we know the value of IN, we can find the voltage across 5kΩ which is equal to the voltage at point c (V).

Ohm’s law to 5kΩ resistor,

V = IR

V = 6mA x 5kΩ

V = 30V

Now by applying nodal equation on point C,

V/12kΩ  + (V-V1)/6kΩ + 6mA = 0

30/12kΩ + (30-V1)/6kΩ + 6mA = 0

30/12kΩ + 30/6kΩ + 6mA = V1/6kΩ

V1 = 81V

If you have any problem please leave a comment.

Pabindu lakshitha
B.Sc (Engineering Undergraduate)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Norton's theorem solved problems(2)

solved problems on Norton's theorem (2)

Q3) Using Norton’s theorem calculates the current flowing through 12Ω resistor. You may refer figure 14.8

Hope you tried individually to solve this problem as I mentioned in my previous post. I’ll show you how to solve this problem here.

First we remove the 12Ω resistor and short circuit the two terminals to find the Norton’s current as shown in figure 14.9

There are many simple ways to find IN. I’ll use the nodal equation method. Therefore I grounded the point D.

Applying nodal equation to point D,

V/6 + V/4 + (V-36)/3 = 0

V/6 + V/4 + V/3 = 36/3

3V/4 = 12

V = 16V

Now apply Ohm’s law to 4Ω resistor,

I = V/R

IN = 16/4

IN = 4A

Now we are about to find the Norton’s resistance RN . see figure  14.10

It is very easy.

RN = (6//3) + 4

RN = 6Ω

 Now we can redraw the circuit as shown in figure 14.11

I1 + I2 = 4A ------- (1)

As the two resistors are connected parallel, the voltage across them should be equal, therefore,

6I1 = 12I2

I1 = 2I2 ----------- (2)

By (1) & (2)

I2 = 4/3A

Q4) In order to find the V1 & R1 values in the circuit shown in Figure14.12, power dissipation at the variable resistor Rload is measured, for the different values of Rload. The maximum power dissipated at Rload is measured as 81mW when the resistance R is set to 9kΩ. Find V1 & R1.

See my next post for answers.
Please try to solve this problem at least three times.

pabindu lakshitha
B.Sc(Engineering Undergraduate) 

Friday, September 7, 2012

NORTON'S THEOREM (Solved problems)

Solved problems on Norton’s theorem

Q1) Find the Norton’s equivalent circuit across A-B terminals for the circuit shown in figure 14.1


First we remove the 10Ω resistor and short circuit the terminals A&B. see figure 14.2

The current flowing through the short circuited terminals is called the Norton’s curren IN.

To find the IN we apply nodal equation for point C

(V – 30)/5 + V/10 + V/3 = 0

V = 180/19

Ohms law to 3Ω resistance

I = V/R

IN = (180/19) / 3

IN = 60/19

This is the Norton’s current.

Now we are about to find the Norton’s resistance. Note that this is equal to the thevenin’s resistance also.
See figure 14.3

RN = (10//5) + 3

RN = 19/3Ω

Q2) Find the Norton’s equivalent circuit across A-B terminals for the circuit shown in figure 14.4


First we short circuit the two terminals A&B and calculate the current flowing
See figure 14.5

When we short circuit A-B terminals it results in shorting out 12Ω resistor as shown in figure 14.6

Now we can simply find the current IN by applying Ohms law to 4Ω resistor,

I  = V/R

IN = 24/4

IN = 6A

Then we find the RN . See figure 14.7

RN = 12//4

RN = 3Ω

Q3) Using Norton’s theorem calculates the current flowing through 12Ω resistor. You may refer figure 14.8

Wait for my next post to see the solution. Till then, try this yourself. It is very similar to Q1.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Norton’s theorem


Any two terminals of linear active bilateral network can be replaced by an equivalent current source in parallel to a resistance. The current source being the short circuit current through the load terminals and the resistance being internal resistance of the source network looking through the open circuit load terminals.

In thevenin’s theorem we simplified our circuit with a voltage source in series with a resistance. In Norton’s theorem we use a current source in parallel to a resistance instead of a voltage source in series to a resistance.

This theorem reduces a normally complicated network to a simple parallel circuit consisting of
   a)    An ideal current source IN Of infinite internal resistance and,
   b)   A resistance RN  in parallel with it.

IN is the current which would flow through a short circuit placed across terminals A&B. RN is equal to the thevenin’s resistance Rth . So RN is the resistance looking back from A-B terminals.

How to Nortonise a given circuit:

Consider we have to nortonise the network in figure 13.1 as seen from A-B terminals

First we short circuit the given two terminals (A&B) and find the current flowing through. 

See figure 13.2, this current is called the Norton’s current (IN).

Then again we open circuit the two terminals. And find the resistance as we do in the thevenin’s theorem. Note that for a given circuit, Norton’s resistance is equal to the thevenin’s resistance.
After that we can redraw the figure as shown in figure 13.3

Note that we connect the Norton’s resistance in parallel with Norton’s current source.

 We will discuss some solved problems on Norton's in my next post.

pabindu lakshitha
B.Sc(Engineering Undergraduate)

Sunday, September 2, 2012



Q4) In order to determine the unknown voltage V0 and the resistance R in the circuit shown in figure 12.1 , power dissipation at the variable resistor RL is measured, for the different values of R. the maximum power dissipation at the variable resistor RL is measured as 147mW when the resistance RL is set to 3kΩ. Determine the values of V0 & R.

It is reccomended to workout previous problems before this. And you should try to solve this problem without looking at the answers given below. Don’t even look at  single word in the answers if you didn’t try to solve it atleast three times.


It says that the maximum power dissipation at RL occurs at 3kΩ. So you may understand that the thevenin resistance RTH is also 3kΩ. This is one of the most important practical usages of thevenin’s theorem. This is the combination of both maximum power transfer theorem and thevenin’s theorem.

If you still can’t understand this method, consider the tehvenin equivalent circuit with the load connected. Now this circuits it exactly equivalent to the original circuit given. So instead of the given circuit we can use the thevenin equivalent circuit with load connected. Now, you may see that there are only two resistances available (RLOAD and RTH). According to maximum power transfer theorem, to get the maximum power output these two resistance values should be equal.

This means,

At maximum power dissipation,


So as it given in the problem, at maximum power dissipation Rload = 3kΩ


Now we can find the resistance ‘R’

From figure 12.2

[ (R+2) // 3 ] + 1 = 3 (all values in kΩ)

[ (R+2)*3 / R+5 ] + 1 = 3

3R + 6 = 2R + 10

R = 4Ω

Now we have find R.

We have given that the maximum power dissipation in RLOAD is 147mW at RLOAD = 3.


 p = V2/R     to  RLOAD

147mW = V2/ 3kΩ

V = 21v

This is the voltage across load when the maximum power dissipates, See figure 12.2(a).


VTH/2 = 21V

VTH = 42V

Now see figure 12.3

Note that VC = VTH = 42V

We have grounded the point B.

Apply nodal equation to point C

(VC – V)/2kΩ  +  (VC – 0)/3kΩ – 12mA – 13mA = 0

(42 – V) /2kΩ + 42/3kΩ -25mA = 0

(42 – V) x 10-3/2 = 11x10-3

42 – V = 22

V = 20v

But this is not what we need. We need to find V0

V = V0 + V1  (see figure 12.3)

V0 + V1 = 20 ---------------------------(1)

Applying nodal equation to point B

(0 – V1)/ 4kΩ  + (0 - VC)/ 3kΩ  + 13mA = 0

-V1/4 + (-42)/3 +13 = 0
-V1/4 -1 = 0
V1  = -4v -------------(2)

substitute (2) on (1)

V0  = 24v


pabindu lakshitha
B.Sc(engineering undergraduate)

Maximum power transfer theorem

Maximum power transfer theorem:

This is a very important theorem. Most usually for analyzing electronic and communication networks where main consideration is to transfer maximum power to the load irrespective of the efficiency, this theorem is highly important.

A resistive load connected to a dc network receives maximum power when the load resistance is equal to the internal resistance of the source network as seen from load terminals.

As this theorem is very easy to understand, there is no need of a big clarification. You can simply understand the theorem. If you understood it, then you will understand the important of thevenin’s theorem. After determine the thevenin’s voltage, to transfer the maximum power to the load, we have to add the load resistance equal to the thevenin’s theorem.

So here onwards we will use this theorem with thevenin’s theorem. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012



Q1) Determine the thevenin’s equivalent  circuit between the terminals A&B For the circuit shown in figure 11.1 .


First we are about to find the thevenin’s resistance. To find the thevenin’s resistance we remove the resistance RL and open circuit the AB terminals. Then we remove the voltage source and short circuit it. See figure 11.2

We can easily find the thevenin’s resistance now.

Rth = (5//10 + 3)

Now we have to find the thevenin’’s voltage. For this we remove the load resistance RL . See figure 11.3

Note that there is no current flow through 3ohms resistance as it is open ended from point A. Hence in nodal equation we don’t have to add the current through this resistance.
Applying nodal equation method to point c,

(V-30)/5  + (V-0)/10  = 0

V = 20V

From figure 11.3 you can see that,


Therefore V = VTH
VTH = 20V

Q2) Find the equivalent e.m.f of the network when viewed from terminals A&B and the equivalent resistance of the network when looked from terminals A&B and the current through load resistance RL . Refer figure 11.4


Current in the network after load resistance has been removed (figure 11.5)

I = 24/(12+3+1)

I = 1.5A.

Applying Ohm’s law on 12  Ohm’s resistance,

Voltage across A and B = VTH = 12 Ohms x 1.5A

Now we are about to find the RTH

It is very easy. Just remove and short circuit the voltage source and find the equivalent resistance as seen from A&B terminals.


Rth  = (3+1)//12 = 3 Ohms

Hence we have find the thevenins equivalent circuit. So we can easily find the current through load resistance. See figure 11.5.(a)

ILOAD = 18 / (3+15)


Q3) determine the thevenin’s equivalent circuit between the terminals A&B. you may refer figure 


This network contains a current source. So it will be important to you to understand how to deal with  a current source in thevenin’s theorem.

Figure 11.7 shows the circuit to find RTH. Note that two terminals between the current source has been open circuited while the voltage source do the opposite.

RTH =  5 + { [ (10//10 ) + 2 ] // 3 }
RTH = 7.1 Ω

From figure 11.8

Voltage at point C = Vc = Vth  (as there is no current through 5Ω resistor)

We have grounded the point B to make our calculation easier.

Nodal equation to point C

(VC – 0)/3 + (VC-VD)/ 2 = 0

 5VC – 3VD = 0 -------------------------------------------(1)

Nodal equation to point D

(VD - VC)/2 + VD/10 + (VD -5)/10 – 1 = 0

 7VD – 5VC = 15 ---------------------------------------(2)

By solving 1&2

Vc  = 2.25V


VTH  = 2.25V

I’ll add more examples in my next post.


Pabindu lakshitha
B.Sc (Engineering Undergraduate)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

NETWORK ANALYSIS (4) thevenin's theorem

Thevenin’s Theorem

This is a very useful theorem which was introduced by French Engineer ML Thevenin(1857-1926).

Thevenin’s Theorem:

Any linear active bilateral network can be replaced by an equivalent of a voltage source in series with a resistance. The voltage source is open circuited voltage across the open circuited load terminals and the resistance being the internal resistance of the source network looking from the open circuited load terminals.

Of course it is little bit difficult to understand at once. It can be simplify as follows

This theorem says that, a given network when viewed from its any two terminal points can be replaced by a single voltage “Vth” source in series with a single resistance “Rth”.

See figure 10.1

Consider all the elements in the black box are not visible to the out side and we only have the two terminals (AB) as the output. All the elements in this black box can be represented by an equivalent single voltage source with a single series resistance. This voltage is called thevenin’s voltage and resistance is thevenin’s resistance. Let’s see how to find the values of this voltage and resistance.

The voltage across AB is called the thevinings voltage. We can use the analysis methods and laws we have learned so far to find the voltage across AB.

In figure 10.1 I have marked the voltage of point A as ‘V/’ . As we have grounded the point
(D = B)  V/ = Vth

So we can use the nodal equation method to find V/
Applying nodal equation to point A

(V/ - 0)/ R3 + (V/ - 0)/ R2 + (V/ - V1)/ R1 = 0

So if V1 , R1 , R2 , R3 are given, then we can find V/ which is equal to Vth.

Note that it is not necessary to ground the circuit. But grounding makes the calculation easier. So we have to ground the suitable point according to the problem

To find the equivalent resistance first we remove the voltage sources and short circuit it. If ant current sources are available we also remove those sources and open circuit it. Then we find the equivalent resistance as seen from the two terminals A&B.

So in this problem our  Rth  = R1//R2//R3

Now we have find Rth

Finally we can simplify the network as shown in figure 10.2

Wait till my next post for solved problems of thevenin’s theorem.

 In this example we don’t have any current sources however in solved problems I will add some problems with current sources.

If you have any problems regarding this post, please leave it as a comment. I will reply you as soon as possible.

Pabindu lakshitha
B.Sc(Engineering Undergraduate)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Nodal equation and superposition theorem

Nodal equation method:

Nodal equation method makes the calculation of a network easier.  This is somewhat similar to the 1st KCL, but little bit different. Actually the first law of KCL gives a relation of current flowing in to a node. See the previous post on KCL for more. Here we use the equation to find the potential of a point referred to another point (most usually a grounded point).

As the name implies, this method is applying to a node in the network. See figure 9.1

In this case we assume that current in each branch is leaving the point. See point B in figure 9.1. Current is leaving the point.

We mark the potential of point b is V and point D is grounded. Usually in networks we ground the circuit.

So we can write following equations,

(V-V1)/R1 = I1

 (V-V2)/R2 = I2

 (V-0)/R3 = I3

From KCL 1

I1 + I2 + I3 = 0

By combining these equations we get the nodal equation

Apply nodal equation to point B

(V-V1)/R1  +  (V-V2)/R2  + (V-0)/R3 = 0

So if we know the R values, V1 & V2 we can find V.

This method is frequently usin0g in network analyzing. Of course it is a very easier method to apply. We will use this method in many of our examples in future.

Super position theorem:

When there are number of voltage or current sources acting simultaneously in a network, we can use this theorem to simplify the calculation.

According to this theorem each source can be treated as if it acts independently of the other. Hence we can calculate the effect of one source at a time and then add them algebraically. Figure 9.2 will clearly clarify this theorem.

 So we can write the equation,

I = I1 + I2

This way you can calculate the current in any branch.

Using this method we can simplify our calculation though the network is too much complicated.

If you have any problems please leave it as a comment. I wii reply as soon as possible.

pabindu lakshitha
B.Sc (engineering undergraduate)

A.C Fundamentals (Solved Examples 2) 1) Find the R.M.S of, V (t) =     Sin 2πt +  Sin 6πt Answer First of all, We have to find t...