Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A.C Fundamentals (Solved Examples 2)

1) Find the R.M.S of,
V (t) =   Sin 2πt +  Sin 6πt


First of all, We have to find the Period of this function.
We know that,
T = 2π/w
Here we have two sinusoidal functions (V1 & v2).

Figure 22.1 Show the Two sine functions individually. 

  ----- Sin 2πt
  -----Sin 6πt

Figure 22.1 Sin 2πt & Sin k2πt Functions individually, 

So now it is clear that sin2πt is the Primary wave.
T = 2π/w
Here w = 2π ,

T = 1



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Pabindu Lakshitha
Electrical and Information Engineering. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

A.C Fundamentals (Solved Examples)

Problem 1

aa)      Prove that the R.M.S of,
V = k + A Sin wt   is,

Where, v1 = A Sin wt   and k is a D.C Component (constant).

bb)      Find the R.M.S Voltage of
V = 10 + 5 Sin (300t + 600 )  



Equation for the R.M.S is,



Cos 2π – Cos 0  =  1 – 1  = 0

bb)      This is a sin wave with a D.C Component. So We can use the equation we derived above.
Pabindu Lakshitha
Electrical and Information Engineering. 

Fundamentals of Alternative Currents

In this chapter, methods of finding R.M.S & Average values of Alternating Voltages and currents are discussed with examples.
Note: Generation of Alternative currents and Alternative voltages will not be discussed here.

Equations for alternative currents and voltages

An Alternative voltage can be represented by,

E(t) = Em Sin wt

Where ‘E(t)’ is the Voltage at any instant, ‘Em’ is the Peak voltage.
Similarly an Alternative current can be represented by,

I(t) = Im Sin wt

Where ‘I(t)’ is the Current at any instant, ‘Im’ is the Peak Current.

Root Mean Squared (R.M.S) Value

The average value of a Sine Wave (For a cycle) is zero. Hence, Method of R.M.S is used.
Equation for the R.M.S voltage is,

Or in terms of phase,

Where, ‘v’ is the instantaneous voltage.
For a Sine Wave form,

It can be proved that the R.M.S of a Sine wave is,

where vm is the peak (or the maximum) value. 

You can use the above equation anywhere (Only for Sine waves) without proving. 

Average value

Since the average value for a full cycle of a sine wave-form is zero, we calculate the average value for a half cycle.

Or in terms of phase,

Where, ‘v’ is the instantaneous voltage.
All the other terms have their usual meanings.

This is the End of the quick revision. See you soon in the next article with solved examples. 

Pabindu Lakshitha
Electrical and Information Engineering. 

A.C Fundamentals (Solved Examples 2) 1) Find the R.M.S of, V (t) =     Sin 2πt +  Sin 6πt Answer First of all, We have to find t...